A New Life 2012

8:20 PM Posted by Dvn

Let's see, since I'm sharing account with Devan, I'll do a little introduction about "US"..
It was back at some where near April 2011 in Shangri-La Tanjung Aru Resort & Spa. We were working at the same Restaurant called "Peppino" .. Fine dining, pure Italian (well, not really), and I remembered the day Devan came in to the kitchen. The whole kitchen staff was excited! because, finally someone new is here to help. Guess what? he was suppose to work but instead, we were informed that he was sick and he couldn't work that day. Mood went down but it went well the next day when he arrived. LOL! first day of work, and it was already like HELL for him! because it was sooooo busy! and Chef Coco was giving him a major stress. Poor boy. I was laughing at the other end hehehehe.. He was a quiet boy. Tried to talk to him several times but he's just sooo shy and he'd go home on time.. Nyehehehe~!! but after a few weeks in "Peppino", he finally started to get use to things. We all would Hang out at this place called "Airways" ..sepuluh 3 man..hehe..So, let's skip that.

Devan and I were close. Good close friends. After a few months after that, he added me in Facebook and we started talking. The next thing you know, we were seeing each other. =) It was sweet though. I never felt so comfortable being with a man before. Everything just clicks! we can talk all day long, all night long. Our First date was on the 2nd of December 2011 with his Mum and some of her friends =) It was definitely a nervous situation for me but It was also the Sweetest moment in live.

5th December 2011 The Day our lives began as Life Partners..The Sweetest Moments, Ups and Downs, Tears, Joy, Sadness, Happiness, It all began.. We see things differently, think differently, everything had a meaning to us. I'm so truly Blessed to have Devan as my Partner. I couldn't ask for more. We're happy we found each other in a Sweet way. Not planned but it happened so Perfectly. I hope we'll Last Forever. God Bless Us and Everyone..=)


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